Monday, October 28, 2013

13 Days of Halloween: Pumpkinrot

I felt that I couldn't let the season pass without a mention of the man who might very well be the living embodiment of Halloween - Pumpkinrot.

Now, most people reading this blog probably already know who Rot is. For those who don't, he is the man who, along with other notables such as the Hallowed Haunting Grounds, prove that Home Haunts can be more than decorations gone wild; they can be Art. I became aware of Pumpkinrot and his work in the winter of 2008/2009. I was completely blown away by the detail, the atmosphere, the vision, and the perfection. It was actually the discovery of his site that inspired me to start my own blog. My mind was blown all-over again the following October, when he debuted "the Corn Witch".

Every year since, his work continues to get better and better.

Recently, he even branched out into prop work for the indie horror film Mr. Jones. He also directed the short film Swamp Foetus.
Rot is a source of inspiration to haunters everywhere. His blog provides daily doses of Halloween all year long. His props and haunts never fail to unsettle and inspire artists and Halloween fans of all stripes. But, in the words of Levar Burton, don't take my word for it. See for yourself:
Pumpkinrot: What's Brewing (his blog)

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